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About Us

“Gather Together” is a time for worship leaders to come and be refreshed. In worship ministry, it is imperative to find moments to be re-energized and re-focused. Worship teams often find themselves moving at speeds that make it difficult to recharge. So we want to invite you to a place where you can come and simply receive. Come ready to be invigorated and also connect with fellow worship leaders.

Our Story

Gather Together was birthed from a need

On behalf of our General Superintendent, we are excited to announce the new initiative “A/G Worship.”

Worship is one of four of the Assemblies of God’s reasons for being. This is so because the Bible makes it a priority of the New Testament church and because of its corporate and personal dynamics. It opens the hearts of people and the windows of heaven. It is what shook the prison doors open for Paul and Silas, confused the armies encamped against Jehoshaphat, and brought down the walls of Jericho. And it is a major part of almost every Sunday morning service of our A/G churches across America. The goal of the Assemblies of God is to help the many worship leaders and teams who are leading worship to do it with excellence and effectiveness.

In 2023, the national office hosted 4 worship conferences in different regions across the U.S. These conferences provided worship teams the opportunity to be poured into and strengthened. The hope was not only to strengthen the worship teams themselves but the churches that these groups represented. We believe so much in the success and impact these gatherings have had that we've committed to doing 5 more in 2024. Register today to join a Gather Together near you.

Conference Lead

Alexandria De Jesus Gomez was born and raised in Chicago and has been ministering in her home church of New Life Covenant since childhood. Since the young age of 14, she was tasked with leading the youth worship team. In 2014, Alexandria was given the position of Worship Director and was charged with overseeing the worship ministries across all New Life Covenant Campuses. During that time, the Holy Spirit birthed within her a passion for songwriting. Alex and the Free Worship team believe that "new rescues require new songs," an idea that has propelled their ministry for the last eight years. Over that time, Alex and the Free Worship team have recorded multiple albums and have traveled around the world worshiping in both English and Spanish. It is her desire to help the local church increase its passion for Jesus Christ through faith-filled, Jesus-centered worship.

